Monday, February 24, 2014

Well, yeah.

Sebenarnya ini tuh apa?

Rizki Rahmadania Putri, 12 tahun.
Blogger baru, anak-baru-SMP, stuck di mantan.

Rizki Rahmadania Putri, 13 tahun.
Blogger yang desperate ngegebet kakak kelas & sahabatnya. Taunya friendzone. Shit.

Rizki Rahmadania Putri, 14 tahun. 
Blogger galau, super galau, gak tau malu, curhatin gebetan aja. Gebetan yang bikin hujan terasa hangat. Gebetan yang duduk di belakangnya. Gebetan yang.. Yang. Yang. Yang. Bikin stuck hampir 2 tahun.

Rizki Rahmadania Putri, 15 tahun. 
Blogger yang bilangnya udah move on, coba move on kesana kemari. Asal gebet orang, hampir balikan ke mantan, dipatahin hatinya sama kakak senior yang jadi temen otp-an tiap malam.. Hem.

Rizki Rahmadania Putri, baru 51 hari jadi 16 tahun.
Setengah tahun pura pura kosong, padahal suka mikirin yang dulu dulu, sekarang dalam proses maksa move on. Cari pelarian.

Jadi tahun ini.. Aku ketemu yang baru gak ya?

Monday, February 3, 2014


Hello, 2014.

It's been a long time ago since the last time I write here. September to February. It's a long time, huh?

Another late night post...

I've been changing a lot in 5 months. You wont find me so 'galau' as always. So 'ribut' as always. I've changed. A lot.

The man who I wrote last time has gone already for 5 months and he left this heart which is breaking to be a very little piece of each side. Lebay banget gue. HAHAHA. But he changed me. Time changed me. I've been grown up.

Even I've grown up not-really-mature like 'mature' but I've changed. To be better person. To be a mature teen girl.

I supposed to do my tasks but I remember this blog. My attention was stolen by my main blog so this blog will be so.. So..

I wont make any promise but you need to know that maybe I'll go here, write some late night post and forget everything.

Maybe this is my last place to throw my sucks-life because I vowed that I wont 'so-open-person' (aduh bahasanya Tip) again at my 'main' account nowdays. 

People changed. So do I.

I miss the old me. But I couldnt be the old me anymore. Because my life need a new me. So I have to change.

Change my self. Change my way. Change my act. 

Like everyone else did to me.